Our summer term runs from Monday 15th April to Tuesday 23rd July. Half term is Monday 27th May to Monday 3rd June. Paper copies of any information on our website are available free of charge. Check out our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/stmaryspenzance/

Sports Premium

At St Mary’s Catholic School we aim to raise standards in Physical Education and a love of sport for all children. We have a collaborative approach with the Penwith Sports Partnership to ensure that our vision is realised.

Maintained schools, academies, free schools and special schools receive a premium from the Government, designed to enhance the sports and healthy lifestyle provision for children in Years 1 to 6.

​It is up to schools to decide how the money is spent, to provide sustainable improvements to their PE and general wellbeing provision, that will last after the Government initiative has ended.

​The allocation to each school is £16,000 per academic year, plus £10 per pupil in Years 1 to 6.