Our summer term runs from Monday 15th April to Tuesday 23rd July. Half term is Monday 27th May to Monday 3rd June. Paper copies of any information on our website are available free of charge. Check out our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/stmaryspenzance/

Our Governors

Although part of a Multi Academy Trust, St Mary's still has a team of governors supporting the leadership and management of the school. The board is made up of members, and carries out its responsibilities, in line with the Trust's Scheme of Delegation.
To contact our Chair of Governors please email: penzanceadmin@plymouthcast.com
Mrs T Paczek

Foundation Governor, Chair of Governors, Whistleblowing and Health & Safety Governor

I have a background in education and am a practicing Catholic. I am passionate about the school and proud to be serving on a Governing body that puts the needs of the children above all other demands. This is reflected in the high priority given to ensuring that every child receives the best possible opportunities in achieving their full educational potential alongside side fostering their love of God and their neighbour. Our school values and reflects the rich and diverse family heritage of our children which makes St Mary’s a very special and exciting place.

Miss J Lindley

Foundation Governor, Vice Chair of Governors, RE & Catholic Life Governor

I work for the Registration service across Cornwall. I’m thrilled to be one of the school’s Catholic governors and I am excited about being a part of our school community. As a former pupil, I have some lovely memories of the school and I am proud to be able to contribute in any way I can to ensure that our school succeeds and that more fantastic memories are made! Please let me know if there is anything I can help with.

Mrs L Crompton

Parent Governor, SEND Governor

Mrs G Werth

Parent Governor, Safeguarding and Curriculum Governor

I have a background in secondary education, youth work and safeguarding. With 3 children at primary school, I appreciate how important their learning environment is in shaping their characters and futures. I believe St Mary’s is a special community that goes above and beyond to provide the best education possible and I’m proud to be serving as the curriculum and safeguarding leads. Please do get in touch if you have any questions.

Mrs S Keitch

Staff Governor

Miss N Teixeira

Executive Headteacher, Ex-Officio

Appointed in September 2021

M Harris

Clerk to Governors